Asbestos Lead Indoor Air Quality PCBs & Mercury Mold
Our asbestos surveys document the location, quantity, and condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACM), make recommendations for response actions, and include cost estimates for each option. Where removal of ACM is necessary, our abatement plans and specifications enable our clients to receive competitive bids on contracts. Our monitoring and administration of construction projects assures compliance with contract requirements and regulations. The full documentation we provide for each project includes certifying that the project was completed acceptably and that final air quality met clearance standards. The presence of ACM does not always require removal. The operations and maintenance plans we write are site-specific, allowing ACM to be effectively managed in place.
- Why Conduct an Asbestos Inspection?
- How Is An Inspection Performed?
- How Comprehensive Should An Inspection Be?
- Asbestos Abatement Project Illustrated